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Digital Marketing In...

Offre de stage marketing

07/07/2014 | Offres de stage

Digital Marketing Internship

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Digital Marketing Internship

> Club Med North America

Club Med is an all-inclusive, family-oriented international resort company with headquarters in Paris, France and business units in the Americas, Europe and Asia. The Club Med concept emerged in hopes of uniting peoples across social and cultural lines through diverse outdoor sports and group activities. The founder Gerard Blitz set out with the goal of creating a vacation that would heal the scars of World War II. Today, Club Med welcomes about 1.4 million guests a year to more than 70 Club Med villages on six continents.


> Missions

Who are we looking for?
As part of the North American internet marketing team, the intern will assist the team in the department’s day-to-day tasks for the USA & Canada.

Responsibilities include:
• Maintenance of B2C digital platforms in English and French to continuously modify and improve content, based on business priorities
• Maintenance of B2B and Groups platform in English and French
• Assistance in project development that include testing and validation: projects include website developments for USA & CAN and possibly Mobile platform developments
• Contribution in other digital-related tasks
• Regularly generate, analyze, interpret and communicate traffic against KPIs


> Profil

Profile required:
Internship from Business school / Marketing background

Excellent English & French verbal/written skills
Excellent graphic design and layout skills HTML knowledge
Creativity, flexibility, attention to details
Excellent interpersonal skills for team work
Planning ability, project management, good communication skills



> Administratif

Date de début : 07/07/2014

Durée : Stage 6 mois

Rémunération : $1200/month

Lieu : Miami

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