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Stage Marketing et C...

Offre de stage marketing

30/11/-0001 | Offres de stage

Stage Marketing et Communication

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Stage Marketing et Communication

> Cantab Marketing Services

Since 1991, Cantab has been helping B2B organisations to use different marketing tools to realise their marketing and sales objectives. Cantab is an international organisation with offices in Amsterdam, Gent, Paris and London, where marketing specialists support their clients in marketing and sales challenges in many different languages. Cantab provides services in the areas of marketing, lead generation, training, interim services, online marketing and market research.


> Missions

Continuous development and ambition are the motives for us to come to work. Cantab is proud of its informal, young, open culture where staff development is a high priority.

Tasks of the internship:

• Updating content in Content Management System

• Gathering and creating of content for external communications

• Publishing articles on website and emailings

• Assistance and setting up (online) market research

• Creating market analysis

• Updating contact database


> Profil

• Higher education in the area of Communication, Marketing or Multimedia Design

• Experienced in writing communication/marketing texts

• Good command of at least 2 languages: Dutch, English, French or German

• Entrepreneurial and self-starting

• Can easily adapt to new software, f.i. working in a Content Management System

• Experienced with MS Office and design programs (f.i. Publisher or Photoshop)

• Working internship, commencing date september 2011 for 3-6 months

• You will receive a remuneration

• You will work from our Amsterdam office




> Administratif

Date de début : 30/11/-0001

Durée : Stage 6 mois

Rémunération : Oui

Lieu : Amsterdam

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